2013年12月31日 星期二

【靈性提升殿堂】Sri Chinmoy:人類之愛與神聖之愛

Sri Chinmoy explains the differences between Human Love and Divine Love

Sri Chinmoy 解釋人類愛與神聖之愛的差別,

Love Human and Love Divine     


Dear sisters and brothers, I wish to share with you my humble philosophy, which is based on love.

親愛的兄弟姐妹們, 我希望分享我謙遜的哲學~~ 這是奠基於愛之上的.

We know that there are two types of love: human love and Love Divine.

我們知道有兩種不同的愛:人類之愛, 與對神聖的愛.

In human love, what we actually try to do is to possess the many without caring for the One, the Source.

在人類之愛中, 我們真正在試著做的事~~ 就是去 “ 擁有” 許多,而沒有去在乎 “ 合一的源頭”.

But if we do not possess the Source, then the many cannot be of any help to us.

但是假如我們沒有擁有 “ 源頭”,那那些“ 許多” 其實對我們沒有任何幫助!
If there is no root, then how will the tree grow? How will we be able to claim the branches or the flowers and leaves as our very own?

假如沒有根, 那 ' 樹' 如何長大?我們要如何能夠去宣稱~~ 我們擁有了樹枝,或是花, 或是樹葉 ~~ 都是我們的?

With the divine Love, we go first to the On e, the Source, and from there we go to the many.

在 “ 神聖之愛” 中,我們首先走入 “ 合一的源頭” ~~然後從那裡我們再走入許多 .

We become on e with the root, and then we grow into the tree, which will manifest itself through the branches and leaves, the flowers and fruits.

我們先與 “ 根源” 合一 ~~然後我們成長成為這樹 ~~然後這樹就會顯化出它自己 ~~透過它的樹枝, 樹葉, 花與果.

Divine Love is the song of multiplicity in unity.

神聖之愛是一首歌 ~~一首合一之間的多元 ( 共鳴)

In human love there is demand or, at least, expectation.

在人類之愛中 ~~有“ 要求”, 或者, 至少, 有“ 期望”.

Very often we start with demand, and when a higher wisdom dawns we no longer demand, but still we expect something from others.

很多時候, 我們從 ' 要求' 開始 ,然後當一個更高的智慧下來時, 我們不再要求, 但是仍然我們對別人有些期望 .

We convince ourselves that this expectation is justified.

我們說服我們自己~~ 這些“ 期望” 是合理的.

Since we have done something for others- offered our love-we feel it is quite legitimate to expect something in return.

既然我們已經為別人做了某些事情 ---也提供了我們的愛 ---我們覺得“ 期望一些回報” 是合理公平的.

But in divine Love there is no such thing as demand or expectation. In divine Love we just give what we have and what we are.

但在 “ 神聖的愛” 中 ~~沒有所謂的--- “ 要求” 或是“ 期望”.在 “ 神聖的愛 ” 中 ~~我們只給予 “ 我們有的”,並只因為我們 “ 是” 這樣的,所以我們 “ 給” .

What we have and what we are is dedicated service. In the human life, before we give our love, we try to discover love in others-that is, their love for us.

“我們有的”與 “ 我們所是的”~~就是去 “ 奉獻服務”.在人類生活中--- 在我們給出愛之前 ,我們試著去發現別人中的愛---那就是 --別人對我們的愛 .

In the divine Life, before we give our love to others, we try to discover Love in its reality and integrality within ourselves.

在 “ 神聖生活” 之中 ~~在我們把我們的愛給別人之前,我們試著去發現“ 愛”~~ 在祂自己的“ 實相” 之中, 以及在我們自己的“ 統整範圍” 之中.

Only then are we in a position to offer love to others. At first our satisfaction dawns when we feel that those to whom we offer our love accept it wholeheartedly.

只有那時, 我們才具備愛人的條件.首先, 我們的滿意來自 ~~當我們覺得我們給出愛的對象 ~~全心全意的接受了我們的愛的時候.

But there is an even higher form of divine Love when we go beyond this feeling, and give love just for the sake of self giving.

但, 有一個更高形式的“ 神聖之愛”~~ 當我們超越了這感覺之後,而且給出愛~~ 只是為了“ 想給出自己” .

We give, and even if our love is not accepted, we do not mind.

意即~~ 我們給 ~~但是即使我們的愛沒有被接受 ,我們不在乎.

We shall go on giving, for we are all love, our Source is all Love.

我們會持續的給!~~ 因為我們全部都是 “ 愛” ~~我們的“ 源頭” 全部都是“愛” ( 而已)!

In human love there is not on ly demand and expectation, but there is something even worse: withdrawal.

在人類之愛中 ~~不只有 “ 要求 ”與 “ 期望 ” ,還有更糟的東西 --- 是 “ 撤退”.

First we demand, then we expect.

首先, 我們有所要求, 然後我們有所期望.

When our expectation is not fulfilled, we sometimes try to withdraw from the person to whom we have offered our love. In divine Love, it is never like that.

當我們的期望沒有得到滿意,有時候我們試著去從那人那裡退出--- 雖然我們已經提供了我們的愛給那人.但在“神聖之愛”中 ~~從來就不會是這樣!

With divine Love we try to become on e with the weakness, imperfection and bondage of others.

在“ 神聖之愛 ”中 ~~我們試著去與“ 那人的缺點\ 不完美之處\ 障礙( 鎖鏈)” 成為 “ 合一”

Although we have inner freedom, we use this inner freedom not to lord it over others, but to become on e, consciously on e with their imperfections.

雖然我們有 “ 內在的自由” ~~我們使用這個自由~~~不是去 “ 管理控制擁有” 別人,而是去成為 ' 合一' ~~用清楚意識去與他們的' 不完美' ~~ “ 合一”!

In this way we can understand them and serve them at their own level, with a view to transforming their imperfections.

以這方式~~ 我們能夠理解他們, 並且在他們的層次上去服務他們~~ 帶著一個想要轉變他們的不完美的觀點.

The capacity of human love is so limited that we cannot expand ourselves and totally embrace on e another.

人類的愛的容量 --- 是如此有限 ---所以我們無法擴張我們自己來完全的擁抱彼此.

There is bound to be a feeling of supremacy.

所以就會跑出 --- 優越感.

I shall love you, no doubt, but I wish to remain an inch higher than you. On that condition I shall love you.

我會愛你, 無庸置疑, 但是,我希望保持比你的地位高一吋 .在那條件之下我應該會愛你.

The superior loves the inferior because he is satisfied to some extent with his position in this relationship.

優越的人愛著這略低的人 ---因為他有某種程度的滿意 ---關於他在此關係之中的地位.

The inferior very often loves the superior because of his insecurity. So love binds them and gives them both some sense of satisfaction.

略低的人愛著這優越的人---由於他自己本身的 “ 不安全感”.所以愛綁住了他們 ---給他們彼此一些滿意的感覺.

But in divine Love there is no such thing as superiority and inferiority. Divine Love always gives itself freely and wholeheartedly.

但在“ 神聖之愛 ”中 ~~沒有“ 優越感” 與“不安全感”這回事.“神聖之愛”永遠是無私的給出自己,全心又全意!

Divine Love gets satisfaction on ly by offering itself totally and unconditionally. In divine Love, we come to notice that the personal and the impersonal perfectly go together. There is a balance between the two.

“ 神聖之愛”得到 “ 滿意”~~只透過完全的給出自己, 沒有條件.在“神聖之愛”中 ~~ 我們會注意到~~個人的 , 與非個人的部份~~是會完美的結合在一起的.在這兩者之間有一個平衡存在.

The personal in us enters into the vast, which is impersonal; and the impersonal in us enters into the personal to manifest its unmanifested Reality, Divinity and Immortality. In human love, the personal and the impersonal are two strangers; worse, they are at daggers drawn.

當“ 個人的我們” 進入了“ 集體” 之中~~ 那就變成了 “ 非個人的 ”.而我們“非個人的”部份進入了“個人的我們” ~~ 來顯化出“ 祂沒有顯示出來的實相",“ 神聖面向"以及 “ 永生".在人類之愛中~~ 個人的, 與非個人的部份~~是兩個陌生人 ,更糟的是 --- 他們是劍拔弩張的。

The personal and the impersonal at best try to reach a compromise, but this compromise brings no satisfaction at all; in the very depth of human love, there is always a rivalry and competition between the two.

這“ 個人的”, 與“ 非個人的部份”~~在最好的狀況之下~~ 只會達到一個“ 妥協", 但是這“妥協"完全不會帶來滿意 ;在 “ 人類之愛"的深處 ~~永遠會有一個“ 敵對立場"與“ 競爭"存在兩者之間.

On rare occasions, the personal says to the impersonal, which is inside the human being, "Let us alternate our reality, our height, our wisdom, our capacity.

在很少的情況下, 在一個人類之內 ---這“個人的部份”會對“非個人的部份”說~~“ 讓我們調換我們的實相, 我們的高度,我們的智能, 我們的容量.

This moment you stand up and I shall remain seated; the next moment I shall stand up and you will sit."

當你站起來的時刻, 我就會坐著,而下次我站起來了, 你就坐著.”

In human love, very often the physical mind, the doubting mind, the suspecting mind, comes to the fore.

在“ 人類之愛"中, 時常, 這物質心智–這懷疑的心智--- 這充滿嫌疑的心智---就浮出水面.

But in divine Love, we see only the loving heart, the surrendering heart, the all beckoning heart.

但在“ 神聖之愛 ”中 ~~我們只會看到這 “ 充滿愛的心",這願意 “ 臣服的心",以及這 “ 不斷召喚著的心".

The mind loves a rea​​​​​​lity because it sees the reality according to its own understanding and vision. But the heart loves a rea​​​​​​lity because it sees the reality in the reality's own form.

當'心智'愛著一個 ' 實相' 時~~那是因為它看見的實相是依照它自己的理解與觀點 .但是, 當“ 本心"愛著一個'實相'時~~那是因為它看見的實相,是依照實相它自己的形式而愛它.

The heart becomes inseparably on e with the reality, with the very existence of that reality, both inner and outer.

當 “ 本心"與“ 實相"變成了不可分割的 “ 一"時 ~~內在與外在都成了一個完全的存在實相!

It sees the living breath of the reality in its own form and shape; it sees the body and soul of the reality all together.

祂(本心)看到了~~在祂自己型式與形式中的活生生的實相~~ 祂看到了肉體與靈魂實相的完全結合 .

In human love, the lover and the beloved are two separate persons. The lover is running toward the beloved, and when he reaches the beloved he finds his satisfaction.

在 “ 人類之愛"中~~~愛人者與被愛的人是兩個不同的人.愛人者跑向被愛著的人,而當他到達他所愛的人身邊時,他就找到了滿足.

In divine Love, the lover and the beloved are on e and inseparable. In divine Love, the Lover is the Supreme and the Beloved is the Supreme.

但在“神聖之愛”中 ~~愛人者與被愛的人是一個相同的人而且無法分割.在“神聖之愛”中 ~~愛人者是這個優越的人,而這被愛的人也是這個優越的人.

In human love, we feel that satisfaction lies somewhere else- not within us, but in somebody else. But in divine Love, satisfaction is found nowhere else but in ourselves.

在 “ 人類之愛"中~~~我們覺得“ 滿意"存在於外面某處--- 不在我們之內, 但在某個別人身上 .可是在“ 神聖之愛”中 ~~“ 滿意"~~只有在 “ 我們之內"可以找到,而不存在於任何別的地方.

The Lover and the Beloved are on e and the same-the Supreme dwelling within and the Supreme outside us.


(RL 注:聽起來很像在說“ 雙生光靈魂"的境界,從此愛再理解回 “ 源頭之愛",並從此愛推而廣之到對所有存有的' 大愛\博愛'.“ 雙生光靈魂"的上帝神聖之設計真是太巧妙神聖了!)

When we speak of our 'self' as the divine Lover or Beloved, we have to know that this is the 'Self' which is both the On e and the many.

當我們談到我們的 “ 自我"~~作為一個“ 神聖愛人"或是“ 被愛者"時~~ 我們必須知道 ~~ 這個 “ 本我"~~同時是這個“ 合一", 也是“ 許多"!

This Self, the Supreme, finds its satisfaction on ly when it gets a glimpse of God's Reality, Infinity, Eternity and Immortality in the many.

這個 “ 本我"~~ 這個優越的存有 ~~只會得到了滿足~~當祂看到了一絲上帝的實相 ,上帝的無有限制, 上帝的永恆,以及無有生滅的永生 ~~ 之時.

This 'Self' is the On e, and it wants to see and feel its Reality in the many.

這個 “ 本我"~~ 就是這個 “ 合一"~~ 因為祂要看到並且感覺到祂的實相~~存在於許多中的實相.

(RL 注:樹透過自己的枝\葉\花\果看到自己,看到自己的根部的力量與壯麗。 )

Love is duty. In our human life we​​​​​​ see duty as something mechanical, lifeless, forced-something thrust upon us.

愛是職責. ~~在我們人類生活中 ~~我們把'職責'視為某種機械式的,沒有生命的, 被強迫的 ---某種掛在我們身上的推動壓力 .

But in the divine Life, duty is something full of opportunity. At every second an opportunity dawning for us to expand our life's consciousness, our life's reality, our life's delight.

但在神聖生命​​​​中 ~~職責是某些充滿機會的東西.在每一秒鐘~~ 一個機會降臨到我們身上~~ 來擴張我們生命的覺知意識~~擴張我們生命的實相, 我們人生的甜美愉悅.

So in the divine Life we​​​​​​ welcome duty, for it increases our capacity and potentiality and expands the dream of our divine, unhorizo​​​​​​ned Reality.

所以, 在神聖生命​​​​中,我們歡迎職責 ~~因為它擴大了我們的能力與潛力~~ 擴大了我們神聖的夢想, 沒有界限的實相!!!

Life is the lesson of Love. Love is the lesson of Life.

人生就是一門“ 愛的功課".“ 愛"就是“ 人生的功課".

(RL: Bravo! 贊!說得好!)

When we study Life's lesson in our human life, the lesson is composed of fear, doubt, anxiety, worry and frustration.

當我們在我們人類生活中研究“ 人生的功課"~~這“ 功課"是由恐懼, 懷疑, 焦慮,擔憂與掙扎所組成!

But in the divine Life, we see that Love is the lesson not on ly of Life, but also for Life-for the Life that is everlasting, ever illumining and ever fulfilling.

可是在“ 神聖生活"中,我們看到 “ 愛是功課" ,但不只是“ 人生的功課" ,更是“ 為了( 協助) 人生而存在的功課~~ 為了一個能夠持續下去的人生 ,越來越光明的人生,而且越來越讓人滿意充實的人生 .

A divine Lover is he who believes in the divine miracle.

一個“ 神聖的愛人" ~~是一個相信“ 神聖奇蹟"的人!!!

A human miracle is something that feeds our curiosity, something that lasts for a fleeting second. But the divine miracle is the elevation of consciousness.

一個“ 人類的奇蹟" ~~是一些餵食了我們的好奇心 ,一些像過眼煙雲一般過去的東西.但是“ 神聖的奇蹟" ~~是“ 覺知意識"的提升.

To raise somebody else's consciousness, to raise humanity's consciousness even an iota is the true divine miracle.

能夠提高某人的“ 覺知意識"~~ 能夠提高人類的“覺知意識"~~即使只是一絲絲的提高 ~~也是一個貨真價實的“ 神聖的奇蹟"! ! !

The conscious help the divine Lover gives to the seeker performs this divine miracle.

“ 神聖愛人"有清楚意識的協助 ~~所給予了“ 尋找(真理)的這個人"~~ 可以創造出這個“ 神聖的奇蹟"!

We are of God the eternal Love and we are for God the eternal Love. We are of God the infinite Love and we are for God the infinite Love.

我們是來自上帝的 “ 永恆的愛",而我們也是給予上帝的“ 永恆的愛".我們是來自上帝的 “ 無限的愛",而我們也是給予上帝的“ 無限的愛".

Eternity is the Source of the Silence life; and Infinity is the message of the sound life.

“ 永恆"~~就是這“ 無聲的生命"的“ 源頭";而“ 無限"~就是“ 生命的聲響"所帶來的訊息!

From the One we came and for the many we exist.

為了這 “ 合一"~~ 我們到來,而為了這“ 許多" ~~ 我們存在!

This is the real message of divine Love.


We are of the One and we are for the many-the many in the On e. This is the quintessence of Love Divine.

我們都來自 “ 合一",而我們為了 “ 許多"而來 ~~這 “ 合一中的許多".而這就是“神聖之愛"的精髓所在! ! !

Love Human and Love Divine Teacher: Sri Chinmoy
Posted by Meindert Arends on December 28, 2013 at 11:05pmSend Message 

1 則留言:

  1. 啊~~好幸福 "為了這合一 我們到來 而為了這許多 我們存在"
    我們都來自於那豐盛的靈性大樹 被愛的源頭根部滋養著.
